[Reshare] Game.exe or MiniA.exe Anti-cheat Detection For Development

Game.exe or MiniA.exe Anti-cheat Detection For Development
Auto-kill process with exe name. Basically, this front-line defense. Easy to skip, but much better for us.

Troubleshooting: Auto-kill process, then check what its off or not. if its dies, run again.

release by : SeiferXIII 

okay just go ahead
This Code all in Basic Folder in your RanOnline SourceCode

Go to BasicWndD3d.cpp and add these lines of codes after extern HWND g_hWnd;

Code :

Go to HRESULT CBasicWnd::InitDeviceObjects() and add this line of code right before return S_OK;

Code :

Find DxGlobalStage::GetInstance().FrameMove ( m_fTime, m_fElapsedTime ); on BasicWndD3d.cpp and put these lines of code above it.


Do With Your Own Risk

This tested on my MiniA.exe for Project Ran.exe [Cheat]

Special Thanks for:  SeiferXIII
                                 All of RanOnline PrivateServer Dev


  1. https://scontent.fbkk10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t35.18174-12/27990174_2163691523746327_2022971431_o.png?_nc_cat=0&oh=3cc397ed06d42cfc26b08fb7ca3b45d0&oe=5AEA8FEF

    how i get other slot item sir ?

  2. I want Project Ran.exe [Cheat]
    Tested on my server
    I am not good at English
    Please send to email : chopperg4ming@gmail.com
    (Thank you very much)

  3. i need the project ran file so i can test it in my server can i borrow it? can send in my email ty genp328@gmail.com

  4. can you share or give me a Project Ran.exe plss grahamtar0z.03@gmail.com

  5. not recommend, it cause rubber bond lag

  6. and is easy to bypass been tested it thank you for sharing

    1. Hello!
      Do you have Project Ran.exe [Cheat] file?
      Can you send it to me?
      I beg you that file!
      Send to gmail: dainhamhiem@gmail.com


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